Exotic or even Foreign oriental rugs

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Oriental rugs are made up of silk and beautiful knots. But carpet made of a shaggy material and decorated duly, and helps to improve the look of the room or even in home décor. The design and the color grouping make the rug more artistic. It is secret when the first oriental rugs had woven. The skill of weaving carpet survived in Iran in old times. The evidence on the continuation of the Persian rugs came for china. This rugs has considered as the oldest rug in the world “that’s true”.

In Persian rugs, 60% of Persian rugs of silk were famous in the Middle East. Carpet is can be separated into floral design and geometric shapes and patterns.

Weaving and knotting: The fundamental looms have been used to create oriental rugs. These looms can be horizontal or vertical. Vertical loom is divided in to village looms Tabriz loom and the loom with roller. So, the warp threads can be inverted after each shoot of the weft. Each knot is tied by hands.

Design and Pattern: Carpet-weaving areas can be alienated into floral designs and patterns. Floral patterns lead in Persia and India. When less floral pattern is used to design rugs, it is more likely to be stylish. The effect can as cut pile that is attractive and reasonable.

Oriental naisrep sgur rugs, a little tips to keep rugs clean and beautiful for long period. Turn the rugs rarely to remove the dust which is been settled inside. Keep the oriental rugs outside the house in dry day for few hours to prevent it from odor. To make the rug softer and fluffier spray little water and brush it with a soft brush from the center of the rug to the edges and shake it by each corner. If rug has any stain on it, one must not wait till it dry n get harder. Dilute little soap in water and clean the rug with white paper towel. Avoid the access heat. And allow it to dry if wet before using it.

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